Character Index

by last name; principal characters identified with a star (*)

—Abadie, Alain-René b 1949, Lacey’s Marseille cyclist lover
—Agar, Anthony b 1944, Campbell’s Clinic surgeon treated Battle Vaugh’s injuries from the rocket explosion
—Alexander, Bitsy b 1976, Grade school friend of Taylor
—Alexander, Bob b 1904, Retired architect; member of the Collegiate Club and on board of St. Andrew’s Academy
—Andre, Skeeter b 1935, Property manager for Garnett Trapp
—Ashby, Billy b 1900, Grandson of founder of Ashby’s Restaurant
—Ashby, William b 1843, Founder of Albert’s Restaurant
—Attendant, Lakeside b 1981, Attendant on duty when Seal wakes in Lakeside
—Bacon, Harvey b 1944, Collegiate Club regular; Insults Rory in locker room
—Bates, Barry b 1915, Born Berel Bateman an itenarent musician; settles in Memphis; Beaux is his son
  *Bates, Beaux b 1946, Beauregard Titus Bates, Beaux to his friends, also known as Gator
—Bates, Sissy b 1920, Gator’s cajun mother
—Bates (ne: Pearce), Charlotte b 1975, Sarah’s daughter; adopted by Beaux Bates
  *Bates (ne: Pearce), Deaton b 1974, Sarah’s son; adopted by Beaux Bates
—Baucomb, Charlie_B b 1961, Memphis policeman who arrests Rory McVey for assault
—Bayliss, 3B b 1959, Leader of the Memphis branch of the Aryan Brotherhood
—Beaulieu, Nina b 1896, High school girlfriend of Rory McVey
  *Beck, Leonard b 1959, Nefarious farmer growing marijuana on his land outside Fulton, MS
—Beitman, Ascher b 1875, Barry Bates’ father; a muscian from Budapest
—Beitman, Hannah b 1886, Barry Bates’ mother
  *Beland, Grazia b 1950, Lacey’s college friend
—Bennington, Arthur b 1974, President of Heartland Maritime
—Berg, Jo’ b 1977, Messenger for the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas
—Berke, Grady b 1943, Reporter for WMCT-TV Memphis; interviews Sheriff Misty Jeffers
—Blankenfeld, Bobby b 1910, Slumlord
—Bonds, Esther b 1917, Sissy Bates’ housekeeper and companion
—Bose, Anton b 1948, Car detailer at Auto Bargains, Inc.
—Braden, Hollis b 1930, President of Holly Springs National Bank
—Broadus, Hector b 1952, Owner and master of ceremonies of Swampland Critters
—Brown, Carrie b 1968, Daughter of Claudie and Tony Brown
  *Brown, Claudie b 1942, Claudie and Tony Brown run Bates Enterprises, founded by Barry Bates
  *Brown, Floyd b 1935, Tony Brown’s older brother; victim of car crash caused in large part by Rory McVey
  *Brown, Tony b 1940, Claudie and Tony Brown run Bates Enterprises, founded by Barry Bates
—Brown, Walter b 1970, Son of Claudie and Tony Brown
—Burch, Miriam b 1990, President of Heartland Maritime
—Busby, Sharon b 1951, Assistant to Bob Levin, comptroller at St. Andrew’s Academy
—Carter, Arnie b 1950, Collegiate Club regular; close friend of Gator’s
—Cates, Perry b 1990, Seal’s high school-college boyfriend
—Cates, Rembert b 1942, Trial atty, Club regular, sues Rory McVey Gator’s behalf
—Champion, Mavis b 1924, friend of Libba Grimes
  *Cheubini, Tazio b 1987, Falls in love with Seal
—Chubb, Deborah b 1942, Rory McVey’s office manager/bookkeeper
  *Claire, Adrian b 1985, Taylor’s personal assistant; an expert in illustrative art
—Cole, Ebbett b 1952,Member of Charless Nunn’s painting crew; injury to his hand puts Floyd Brown on road to the accident in which Ian McVey dies
—Collins, Sue b 1976, Grade school friend of Taylor
—Conti, Bettina b 1950, head of the Memphis Public Library system; lifelong friend to Lacey
—Corker, Irwin b 1940, Ole Miss nemesis of Rory McVey
—Cox, Nancy b 1949, Parole attorney practicing in Peoria, Illinois
—Crisp, Sonny b 1942, Deputy with Marshall County Sheriff’s Department; involved in accident with Baron Puce
—Cummings, Cab b 1952, Rock and Roll wanna’ be; marries Sarah Pearce; father of her two children
—Dacus, Vince b 1939, Abel’s attorney at the trial resulting from the sting
—Deere, Molly b 1944, Former Commercial Appeal reporter; librarian friend of Seal instrumental in her pursuit of journalism
—Dog, Moon b 1735, Pint sized Indian friend of Fitzhugh McVey
—Estelle, Beland b 1919, Grazia Beland’s mother
—Estermann/Klein, Ellen b 1976, Taylor’s high school friend
—Fones, Nat b 1947, Detective from Minneapolis; investigates death of Dalton Stone
—Ford, Luster b 1944, Member of Charles Nunn’s painting crew
—Gant, Angus b 1947, Memphis banker, Collegiate Club regular
—Gaston, Earl b 1923, Lacey’s father
  *Gaston/McVey/Sterling, Lacey b 1951, Lacey Seal Gaston/McVey/Sterling
  *Gaudet, Marc b 1904, Gator’s great uncle
—Gaudet, Perlette b 1902, Gator’s Cajun Grandmother
—Gibbs, Horace b 1926, Floyd Brown’s Trial Judge
—Gibbs, Judge Horace b 1933, Judge in Floyd Brown’s trial
—Grimes, Bill b 1916, Libba Grimes’ husband; farm implement dealer
  *Grimes, Libba b 1921, Behomoth busybody; Gator’s mother’s cousin
—Herenton, Mayor Willie b 1940, Mayor of Memphis 18 years; Taylor became his chief of staff
—Hildebrand, Byron b 1951, Lacey’s college boyfriend
—Hildebrand, Ethel b 1929, Mother of Lacey’s college boyfriend
—Hughes, Thelma b 1942, Battle Vaughn’s housekeeper
—Hugo, Beland b 1915, Grazia’s Father, a coffee merchant in Grenoble, France
—Hunt, William b 1929, induces Rory to make disastrous investments
—Hunt, William Herbert b 1929, Financial specultator; son of Haroldson Lafayette Hunt
  *Jeffers, Misty b 1924, ex NASCAR driver, Sheriff of Marshall County, MS
—Katzen, Omkar b 1938, Barry Bates’ business manager
—Kesselman, Lee b 1952, Director Housing & Community Development for the City of Memphis
—Kilbourne, Karen b 1943, Rory’s attempted sexual assault percipitates fight with Irwin Corker
—Koppinger, Dr. Adele b 1977, Explores Gator’s remarkable intellectual capabilities and shortcomings
—Levin, Robert b 1931, Comptroller of St. Andrew’s Academy
—Lillie, Jim b 1948, Tank crewmember with Gator in Vietnam
—Lupkin, Larry b 1940, Manager of the Peabody Fountain Bar
—Luttrell, Tommy b 1985, Century 21 agent in Tupelo, MS; originally from Fulton, MS
—Maréchal, Giselle b 1950, Grazia Beland’s college flame
—McNatt, Ella b 1955, Tennis buddy of Lacey’s; Peter McNatt’s wife
—McNatt, Peter b 1953, President of WKNO, the local PBS affiliate
—McVey, Big Jim b 1862, Rory McVey’s grandfather, scion of the McVey clan
—McVey, Fitz b 1734, Youngest of the four McVey brothers who arrived in North America in the 1750’s from Scotland
—McVey, Ian III b 1974, Lacey’s first born
—McVey, Janet b 1904, CT McVey’s second wife, Rory and Pam Schroeder’s mother; dies before Rory’s 15th birthday
—McVey, Malcolm b 1721, Eldest of the four McVey brothers who arrived in North America in the 1750’s from Scotland
  *McVey, Rory b 1942, Investor
  *McVey, Taylor b 1976, Lacey’s second child; nurtures a passion for restoring McVey fortune
—McVey (ne: Bates), Laurie b 2006, Daughter of Taylor and Deaton
—McVey/Schroeder, Pam b 1945, Rory McVey’s sister
—Miller, Helen b 1925, Receptionist at Doug Perle’s office; mother of Sue Ann Miller who Gator dated briefly in high-school
—Miller, Sue Ann b 1946, A high school girl friend of Gator Bates
—Mills, Don b 1947, Tank crewmember with Gator in Vietnam
—Murray, Federal Judge Thompson b 1936, Involved in accident that killed Ian McVey
—Myszak, Dr. Krista b 1965, Staff psychiatrist at Lakeside Behavioral Hospital, treats Seal
—Nowak, Arlen b 1973, Aryan Brotherhood enforcer
—Nunn, Charles Owns small painting company; involved in circumstances surrounding wreck that killed Ian McVey
—Olman, Charlie b 1937, Gator’s attorney
—Osbe, Sam b 1970, Security officer for City of Memphis
—Parks, Claude b 1942, Buster’s best friend
—Patchett, Sergeant Arthur b 1936, Missouri State Trooper; investigates Abby’s crash of Rory’s car
—Pearce, George b 1909, Sarah Pearce’s father
—Pearce, Marilyn b 1918, Sarah Pearce’s mother
  *Pearce/Bates, Sarah b 1956, Gator’s first wife; Sarah Ann Pearce
  *Perle, Doug b 1946, Eye surgeon; Gator’s best friend from high school; performs illicit surgery on Gator to remove bullet
  *Persons, Ray-Ray b 1942, Black gang leader; friend of Gator’s
—Peters, Calvin b 1954, Vetinary assistant involved in the car crash that killed Ian McVey
—Pilkington, Miss Fordyce b 1897, Gator’s first grade teacher
—Piscout, Antoine b 1975, Head bartender at the Collegiate Club
—Poole, Clayton b 1936, Martin’s mentor at Memphis Police’s missing persons bureau
—Pretti, Peggy b 1979, Battle Vaughn’s assistant
—Priest, Kato Peabody head bartender during Barry Bates’ time performing there
—Puce, Baron b 1949, One of four Puce brothers; killed in an accident at the Gator Ranch
—Puce, Caesar b 1944, One of four Puce brothers
—Puce, Duke b 1950, One of four Puce brothers; caused oil rig explosion off coast of Nigeria; Killed in an accident at the Gator Ranch
—Puce, Red b 1909, Scion of the Puce family
—Puce, Roi b 1941, One of four Puce brothers, runs church founded by his father Red Puce
—Rice, Jasmin b 1972, Head of security for Mayor Willie Herenton
—Rossi, Carmella b 1956, Bettina Conti’s longtime friend
—Rotter, Willie b 1882, Booking agent for Barry Bates
  *Seale, Becky Sue b 1991, Seal’s alias
—Severs, Jason Co-owner with his wife, Rebecca, of Ristorante Bari
—Severs, Rebecca Co-owner with her husband, Jason, of Ristorante Bari
—Shin, Ito b 1965, Ito Shin, automotive engineer from Tokyo; meets Deaton in the wild
—Sinclair, Birdie b 1990, Captain of the St. Andrew’s Academy girl’s basketball team that won the state championship in 2009; close friend to Seal
—Singleton, Al b 1960, Special Agent-in-Charge (SAC) FBI; rescues Seal from Leonard Beck
  *Snow, Martin b 1962, Missing persons detective with the Memphis Police Department; later, a private detective
  *Sommer, Abel b 1972, Abby and Rory’s son
  *Sommer, Celia b 1934, Abby’s mother
—Sommer, Josef b 1922, Abby’s father
  *Sommer/Bates, Abby b 1952, Young flame of Rory McVey; wild as a colt in spring
  *Sterling, Buster b 1937, Retired PGA golfer, car restorer; marries Lacey
  *Sterling, Seal b 1991, Co-author of this book and central to its plot
—Stiles, Matthew b 1969, CEO of Auto Bargains, Inc. an Aryan Brotherhood enterprise
  *Stone, Dalton b 1965, Owner Greatstone Computing a Minneapolis software company; marries Taylor McVey
—Studdard, Tad b 1973, Charlotte Bates’ love interest; dies in explosion at Gator Ranch
—Tate, Ken b 1983, FBI agent assisting Al Singleton
—Tolson, Mike b 1954, Reporter for Commercial Appeal; interviews Taylor re: her success
—Trapp, Bart b 1901, Mississippi property owner who died intestate; land went to next of kin, Garnett Trapp
—Trapp, Garnett b 1932, Indianapolis dentist who owned property next to the Gator Ranch
—unknown, Buck b 1992, Leonard Beck’s lackey
—unknown, Kaleigh b 1992, Aryan featherwood barmaid
—Vance, Tyrone b 1970, Informer in the sting on Abel Sommer; shot by Abel during the event
—Vanderfluit, Evan b 1925, Prosecuter in Floyd Brown trial
—Vaughn, Battle b 1970, Other-abled head of IT for City of Memphis
—Vescovo, Cletus b 1944, Gator’s tank commnader in Vietnam from Coffeeville, MS
—Walsh, Judge Walker b 1937, Former Mayor of Memphis; officiates Taylor & Deaton’s wedding
—Whitfield, Gordon b 1933, Attorney and accountant for Rory McVey